Instead, policy makers in recent months have used targeted, behind-the-scenes stimulus measures, including extending limited amounts of short-term credit to large and medium-size banks. 最近几个月,政策制定者采用了具有针对性的幕后刺激举措,包括给予大中型银行有限的短期信贷。
Gome has large amounts of short-term credit from suppliers, which is becoming scarcer. 国美拥有大量来自供应商的短期信贷,而这种信贷正变得越来越稀缺。
Short-term credit problems could also encourage more takeovers in a sector still dominated by a large number of relatively small companies. 短期信贷问题可能还会推动中国房地产行业更多的收购,该行业目前仍由大量规模相对较小的公司所主宰。
According to Yingxi Yu of Barclays Capital in Singapore, such companies use short-term letters of credit from local banks to import copper, which is then sold to generate cash for other investments. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)驻新加坡的分析师YingxiYu表示,这些企业利用当地银行的短期信用证进口铜,接着卖出,以便为其它投资项目筹资。
With dwindling assets, funds would buy fewer short-term bonds, further adding to the difficulty of obtaining short-term credit. 随着资产减少,基金只能购买较少的短期债券,从而进一步增加获得短期信贷的困难。
One of 11 regional banks that monitor and make short-term credit advances to thrift institutions in their region. China Merchants Bank is the first bank that has opened the E-bank service in our country. 十一家地区性银行之一,监控本地区内的互助储蓄银行并且同其进行短时信用联系。招商银行是国内首家推出网上银行业务的银行。
Billions in dollar-denominated borrowing by European banks comes due in the next few days amid fears that US banks are unwilling to extend short-term credit to some of their European counterparts perceived to be vulnerable to the market turmoil. 欧洲各银行未来几日将有数十亿以美元计价的贷款到期。而在此之时,市场担忧,由于担心一些欧洲银行容易受到市场振荡的影响,美国银行可能不愿为将短期信贷展期。
What's the distinction between markets for exchanges of means of payment ( money) and markets for short-term and long-term credit? 外汇市场和短期、长期信贷市场的区别是什么?
Buying commercial paper relieves short-term cash and credit problems for companies and has precedents in the UK and in the US. 购入商业票据可以为公司缓解短期现金与信贷问题,而且在英国和美国都有先例。
Analyzing Small and Medium Enterprises ′ Credit from China ′ s Short-term Credit Demand Function 基于我国短期信贷需求函数的中小企业信贷研究
Standard metrics of risk capture leverage, or risk-weighted leverage, or exposure to the possibility that short-term credit might dry up. 标准的风险指标衡量杠杆比率或风险加权杠杆比率或者出现短期信贷枯竭的可能性。
Study on Market Operation and Model of China Short-term Export& Credit Insurance 中国短期出口信用保险市场化运作及其模式研究
There is also an urgent need for short-term and longer-term credit to enable countries with sound fiscal positions to engage in Keynesian counter-cyclical policies. 对短期和较长期贷款的需求也很急迫,使财政状况稳健的国家能够实行凯恩斯主义的反周期政策。
A short-term credit investment which is created by a non-financial firm and whose payment is guaranteed by a bank. 由非金融机构发起,由银行担保付款的短期信用投资。
But concerns are growing both in Africa and further afield that in return for short-term credit some governments are tying up resources in contracts that will prove disadvantageous in the long term. 但在非洲和其它地区,人们越来越担心,为了得到短期信贷,一些非洲国家政府正将资源与合同捆绑起来,长期而言,这对它们将是不利的。
In turn, that has complicated the task of central bankers, including the Frankfurt-based European Central Bank, as they aim to restore order to short-term credit markets battered by the turmoil of recent weeks. 反过来,这又使包括欧洲央行(ecb)在内的央行官员们面临的任务更为复杂,此时他们正试图恢复遭到最近数周震荡影响的短期信贷市场秩序。
The enterprise's short term bond is the breakthrough in this background, its emergence filled up the blank of our short-term credit market, it's the important breakthrough in our financing method and important act in our financing market construction. 短期融资券正是作为解决这一系列问题的突破口而出现的,它的出现填补了我国短期信用产品市场的空白,是我国融资方式的重大创新和金融市场建设的重要举措。
Modelling for Enterprise's Short-term Loan Credit Default& Based on Fisher Discriminant Principle 基于Fisher判别的企业短期贷款信用违约模型构建
It is very important to study the development of short-term export credit insurance in Changzhou. It is practically significant to research that how to enlarge the export trade in Changzhou with short-term export credit insurance. 因此,对短期出口信用保险在常州市的发展历程进行总结,探讨利用短期出口信用保险进一步支持常州市出口贸易的发展,具有非常重要的现实意义。
When the commercial insurance companies have accumulated some experience, we can encourage more companies to take part in the market. Thus, short-term export credit insurance market will be liberalized. 因此,应将短期出口信用保险业务分离出去。而这个时候,试点的商业保险公司已经积累了一定的经验,鼓励更多的商业机构参与进来,可以极大的激发市场的活力。
With several-year efforts made by Changzhou office, short-term export credit insurance has been giving great supports to the export trade of Changzhou. At the same time all kinds of factors restrict supporting function by short-term export credit insurance. 通过常州办事处几年的努力,短期出口信用保险对常州出口贸易的支持作用日益明显,同时其进一步发展也受到了各种因素的制约。
The thesis introduces the general condition of export trade and analyses the export situation in Changzhou. With the case and data analysis, short-term export credit insurance obviously ensures and finances the exporters in Changzhou. 本文通过对常州近年出口总体情况的分析和对常州出口格局的剖析,运用实例分析和数据分析的方法,着重阐明短期出口信用保险对常州出口企业的收汇保障功能和贸易融资功能。
Commercial banks as an important supply chain very actively involved in the supply chain nodes in the supply chain companies to provide credit support, has become a short-term credit banks to carry out future business trends. 银行等金融机构作为供应链条中的重要环节,积极参与到市场竞争中,为供应链条中的企业提供授信支持,已成为金融机构未来开展授信业务的发展趋势。
Delay in payment as a short-term credit means, be widely used in commercial activities. 延期支付作为一种短期信贷的手段,广泛运用于商业活动之中。
In the United Kingdom and France, for example, they release a short-term export credit insurance market. 以英国、法国和新加坡为例,他们都放开了对短期出口信用保险的准入监管,采取商业化运作模式。
By analyzing the short-term insurance, the short-term export credit insurance can be operated in market. 通过分析短期险商业化运作的可行性,本文认为短期出口信用保险是可以进行商业化运作的。
It is worth attention that the policy-related nature of short-term export credit insurance is weakened to some extent in developed countries which have longer histories of export credit insurance, along with the commercial factors enhanced as well. 值得注意的是,在较早开展出口信用保险的发达国家,出口信用保险的政策性在短期出口信用保险中有所削弱,而商业性得到了更大发展。
Meanwhile, according to the "capital adequacy ratio of commercial banks management practices", the conversion factor of the trade-related liabilities, or the short-term credit was only 20%, which is far below the ordinary business loans of 100%. 同时,根据《商业银行资本充足率管理办法》的要求,与贸易相关的短期或有负债信用转换系数仅为20%,远远低于普通贷款业务的100%。